The enterprise with better IT capabilities can achieve higher productivity and have greater insights into and control over their business, resulting in substantially higher revenue growth. In order to attain this purpose, introduction of a new IT system is necessary. However, there is the impacts will occur for the organization [1].
Organizational impacts
- The users will feel unfamiliar in the using the IT system. For the impacts of organization, it must depend on the amount of users. If there is more users, more resources are required to provide training. The difficulty of learning the new system depends on the complexity of the system as well.
- In the organization, the users may quickly lose interest to learn the new IT system because the users may not receive help for the learning problems encountered. The users may not understand the problems encountered and so cannot ask the right question to other users in the group [2].
- The business process will be improved because new IT system will improve productivity and quality efficiently. IT creates new opportunities for innovation in products and services [4].
- The new IT system can provide an attractive work environment, motivate the employees by means of job enrichment and support the basic values of organisational culture such as service responsiveness and quality [3].
- From the aspect of organization culture, newer types of IT such as electronic mail and groupware are creating significant changes in the way that information flows around group ware and between them and their customers and suppliers. It can hasten the development of more open and innovative cultures. The new systems may fail to become accepted by their users because the systems developers have not been culturally sensitive to the department or group ware in which the new systems are to be used [4].
- IT is dramatically changing the nature of professional work. To let users become effective, it not only requires traditional skills of organizing, thinking, writing but also knowing how best to use the power of IT for researching sources, accessing information, connecting to experts, communicating ideas and results, and packaging the knowledge (asset) for reuse [4].
Approaches to handle the impacts
- The trainer need to determine what the users know and does not know and to offer appropriate help based on that knowledge. This allows the trainer to be responsive to the needs of the users. The knowledge can be gained only with careful interaction with users [2].
- Highly interactive learning materials are required for users’ training because it is far more responsive to individual user needs [2].
- Use the interactive interfaces for the new IT system that will increase interest of users because interaction maintains interest. It resembles a conversation with both people talking frequently. Hence highly interactive learning units are conversationally interactive [2].
- Looking for problems that associated with learning and use the unit with many users, making improvements based on information gathered by the computer and professional evaluators [2].
- The users can be engaged in on-line experimentation. The program watches closely to see if the users is looking for the right data, and is drawing reasonable conclusions. Help is offered as necessary, but every user will make the discovery [2].
- The simulations can be used to interact with users, analyzing users' responses and deciding what to do next [2].
- Initiating personal use of IT into every day work. This should include use of decision support tools, groupware, knowledge management solutions and exploiting the Internet [4].
- Ensuring that new systems are customized change proof. Many new systems are developed around existing customized structures and responsibilities. Since these change very rapidly, new systems should be built with orgacustomizedxibility and change in mind [4].
- The users are required to combine the knowledge and skills of general management with their own discipline and IT [4]. In others word, becoming people with technical skills able to work in user areas doing a line job, but adept at developing and implementing IT application ideas [5].
- Enough times must be given to let the users get familiar to the new IT system. After a period of times, they will be able to use the system.
A stable and robust IT infrastructure with new implemented IT system to support operations and excellent IT management practices is important in achieving the superior results because better IT makes a quantifiable, positive difference on business performance [1]. The proper management organisational approaches should be taken to minimise the bad impacts.
1. Microsoft,
2. Alfred Bork,
3. Prof.dr.Lucica Matei,
4. David Skyme Associates,
5. David Skyme Associates,
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